12:30 PM12:30


BOOKING LINK: https://iconicoffices.ie/events/journaling-taking-a-moment-to-pause-reflect/

In this guided session you’ll be invited to ground in the present to warm up your wrists and get used to writing and answering prompts. You’ll then work on defining your values, reflecting on 2021 so far and lastly be invited to goal set for a future time frame – be that a milestone date you’re working towards, the end of the year, or even the end of the month ahead. We’ll close with a mission statement that can be used as something to reflect upon after the session. Know that there are no rules or wrong answers with journaling. The session has been designed to be a gentle and subtle way to help you be present and focus. 

All you need is a notebook and pen to participate. This session is suitable for anyone and everyone whether you’re interested in journaling, completely brand new to the process or a seasoned writer. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Reflect + Reset: Journaling to close the month

BOOKING LINK: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reflect-reset-tickets-154708056963

In this 40 minute session you'll be invited to reflect on the month past and renew your intentions for your future. 

I will be hosting a guided journaling session inviting reflection, presence and action. 

If you can't join live but would like access to a recording please purchase a "recording" ticket. The replay will be available until the end of the day on June 6.

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6:30 PM18:30

Reset + Restore: A Journaling and Meditation event for the end of the month.

In this 50 minute session you'll be invited to reflect on the month past and renew your intentions for your future. 

For the first 20-25minutes there will be a guided journaling session inviting reflection, presence and action. We'll close with a deeply relaxing yoga-nidra style meditation to allow the work we did in the journaling session to settle. 

£7.50 to join. Book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reset-restore-tickets-143582752879

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7:00 AM07:00

40 Days of Journaling (Season 2)

Over 40 days you'll receive a daily email from Lorna with x5 prompts to guide you through and encourage a regular journaling practise.

By signing up you'll recieve a daily email from Lorna by 7am each day with x5 prompts to consider. You can complete these prompts at any time you are called to - morning, noon or night and take as little or as much time that you need with each of them. 

If choosing the "Personal Journal" ticket option you'll also recieve a notebook from Lorna that is hand painted and has x30 handwritten prompts included for you to work on outside of the programme. This option needs to be booked by Feb 22nd so that the notebook can be posted before the programme starts. 

You will also be invited to connect with Lorna during her live weekly sessions and be invited to connect with her community via a facebook group to support and share with others.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/40-days-of-journaling-tickets-139057768529?utm_campaign=post_publish&utm_medium=email&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_content=shortLinkNewEmail

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6:30 PM18:30

Reset + Restore: A Journaling + Meditation Event

In this 45 minute session you'll be invited to reflect on the month past and renew your intentions for your future. 

For the first 20-25minutes there will be a guided journaling session inviting reflection, presence and action. We'll close with a deeply relaxing yoga-nidra style meditation to allow the work we did in the journaling session to settle. 

Book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/reset-restore-tickets-137786123003?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch

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6:00 PM18:00

Intention + Goal Setting

This workshop has been designed to restart or refresh your goals and intentions using your personal values as a starting point.

Whether you like to start a new year, month or week with new goals in mind, or you're looking to develop goals and intentions that you've already set this 60 minute workshop will guide you to remind you of your personal values which will then evolve into setting intentions and goals to help bring them to life. 

You'll be invited to reflect, to acknowledge your present and think about how you'd like to move into your future. 

This session is journal based so all you'll need is a pen and paper. It will be hosted via zoom with a link being sent out before 12noon on the day of the event. Please check your spam folder for the link, an email will be sent from Lorna@LornaMann.com

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6:00 PM18:00

Let The Feeling Flow with lululemon

The holiday season is fast approaching, for some of us it has already begun, and along with this time of year, we often experience many emotions. With our mission at lululemon, to elevate the world by realising the full potential within every one of us, we understand and invite the idea that there is no single narrative to this holiday season. Let the Feeling Flow, our holiday campaign, it feels right, during this unusual year, to focus our campaign on bringing light to someone’s day, whether that’s yourself or others, through small acts of kindness.

Join us for an evening of journaling, lead by Lorna Mann, meditation from Sarah Grogan and yoga with Mariel Witmond-Bateson. We'll reflect, we'll write, we'll move and we'll ground. 

Event details

Date: Tuesday 1st December 

Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm 

Zoom details: You will recieve the link information prior to the event via email provided when you sign up


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5:30 PM17:30

Self Led Sunday: A Self Led Coaching Session

A Coaching Session is made up of a series of powerful questions. To give you a taster of what a session might include I have created a 30minute self led session to help you work on a specific goal.

If joining this session please have a specific goal in mind and come armed with pen and paper as I’ll be asking you to journal out the answers. It doesn’t matter how big or small you view the goal and if you’ve already started it, or wondering how to get it off the ground.

Come ready to explore, and ready for action. £8 to join. Sign up via link below on Eventbrite:


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7:00 PM19:00

You Are Not Defined By What You Do But By Who You Are

So many of us introduce ourselves by explaining what we do to earn a wage. It’s easy to do, and instantly gives us some kind of identity. That is what we do, however, and not who we are. This session has been created to share a personal story of a feeling of lost identity when I changed career and how I was able to find a definition of myself that came from within and not from anything external. I will share, I will prompt and together we’ll work on our own personal definitions of ourselves.

This event will be held on Zoom. A link will be emailed on the day of the event. Please check your spam folder if you have not had the link 30mins before the scheduled start.

To book donation based tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/you-are-not-defined-by-what-you-do-but-by-who-you-are-tickets-127708283915

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11:00 AM11:00

Virtual Coaching: Connecting to Your Why

Hosted by Union Station Yoga (Booking via: https://www.unionstationyoga.co.uk/timetable)

Virtual Coaching: Connecting to Your Why

How often do you set yourself a goal, work towards it and forget why you started? No matter where you are in your goal-setting journey this workshop is designed with reflection and action in equal measure. You’ll be invited to acknowledge why you started, where you are now and how you’d like to feel at the end of whatever adventure you’re on. Whether you’ve got an existing goal you’d like to work with, or if you need some inspiration or motivation to start something new (or start something again!), this workshop will connect you with your why.

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11:00 AM11:00

Virtual Coaching: Silencing the Inner Critic

Book via: https://www.unionstationyoga.co.uk/timetable

Self-doubt often silences you from seeing your achievements as a product of your own hard work, knowledge and talent. It can make you feel like the work you’re putting in is constantly not good enough or that you don't have the necessary tools to succeed. This is a workshop designed to look at what you're feeling and why. It will help you acknowledge your strengths, work on weaknesses and help silence any feelings of imposter syndrome that may come up in anything that you do. It will guide you to recognise feelings and facts as separate entities and look at how you respond to criticism, praise and challenge.

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7:00 PM19:00

Power of Pen Series - Making Goals Come Alive - With Now Studio, Bristol


Book via Now Studio, Bristol.

What to expect? Each session can stand alone, but can also follow on from one and other. Whether you participate in one, two or all four you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. You’ll also discover the power of truly listening to your inner voice as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating your goals, your wins and the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

You will be led by Lorna, a personal development coach. Lorna’s coaching model is designed to allow people to be curious enough to discover their full potential and authenticity is at the heart of everything you’ll do together.

All you need to bring is a notebook and pen.

PAST EVENT: (Friday 22nd May) Workshop 1: Who Am I?

Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are for right now, as you may have found your values have shifted of recent or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt.

PAST EVENT: (Friday 29th May) Workshop Two: What does success look like now?

Whether it’s a set of new year’s resolutions made, a plan set at a milestone such as a birthday or life event, or simply some end-of-week pondering or making start-of-week to-do lists, we’ve all set some goals and intentions for ourselves at some point. These will look very different in these current times, and this workshop is designed to look at what success looks like then, now and in the future and how to adapt to your evolution of success and be kind on yourself as your goals, priorities and experiences change. Expect both conversational group work and journal exercises in this workshop.

PAST EVENT: (Friday 5th June) Workshop Three: What’s holding you back?

This journaling workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are. It also highlights the impact that self talk can have on your path to success. Suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for anyone who wants to set some new ones.

(Friday 12th June) Workshop Four: Making your goals come alive

This workshop will look at how to make goals come alive by setting them, discovering your "why", breaking them down and making a plan to make them a reality. This workshop is suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for someone who wants to set some new ones.

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7:00 PM19:00

WHO AM I? A Journaling Workshop & Energy Shifiting Experience

Who Am I? A journaling and Energy Shifting experience, hosted by Lorna Mann and Capucine Fachot

Duration: 60mins. Free event.

Book via:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-am-i-a-journaling-and-energy-shifting-experience-tickets-105629825652

Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are for right now, as you may have found your values have shifted recently or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt. Int the time spent together you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time.

There are two elements to this workshop. First you will be led by Lorna, a personal development coach, who will guide you through a series of journaling prompts, deep diving into answering the question "Who Am I?". Next you will be led by Capucine for a Reiki session, tuning into your energy remotely and helping you transform your writing discoveries into tangible energy and motivation towards growth:

About your hosts:

Lorna Mann.

Lorna is a trained Executive and Personal Development Coach, 6-time marathon runner and a yoga teacher-in-training. Lorna’s coaching model is designed to allow people to be curious enough to discover their full potential and authenticity is at the heart of everything you’ll do together. For more information visit www.lornamann.com

Capucine Fachot

Capucine is a Reiki Master Teacher. Capucine explores the Divine with direct experiences. Through teaching different energy modalities and meditative initiations, you can quickly touch Consciousness and see its affects in your day-to-day life and inner connection. For more information visit www.capucinef.com

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7:00 PM19:00

Power of Pen Series - What Does Success Look Like Now? - With Now Studio, Bristol


Book via Now Studio, Bristol.

What to expect? Each session can stand alone, but can also follow on from one and other. Whether you participate in one, two or all four you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. You’ll also discover the power of truly listening to your inner voice as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating your goals, your wins and the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

You will be led by Lorna, a personal development coach. Lorna’s coaching model is designed to allow people to be curious enough to discover their full potential and authenticity is at the heart of everything you’ll do together.

All you need to bring is a notebook and pen.

PAST EVENT: (Friday 22nd May) Workshop 1: Who Am I?

Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are for right now, as you may have found your values have shifted of recent or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt.

(Friday 29th May) Workshop Two: What does success look like now?

Whether it’s a set of new year’s resolutions made, a plan set at a milestone such as a birthday or life event, or simply some end-of-week pondering or making start-of-week to-do lists, we’ve all set some goals and intentions for ourselves at some point. These will look very different in these current times, and this workshop is designed to look at what success looks like then, now and in the future and how to adapt to your evolution of success and be kind on yourself as your goals, priorities and experiences change. Expect both conversational group work and journal exercises in this workshop.

(Friday 5th June) Workshop Three: What’s holding you back?

This journaling workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are. It also highlights the impact that self talk can have on your path to success. Suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for anyone who wants to set some new ones.

(Friday 12th June) Workshop Four: Making your goals come alive

This workshop will look at how to make goals come alive by setting them, discovering your "why", breaking them down and making a plan to make them a reality. This workshop is suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for someone who wants to set some new ones.

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5:30 PM17:30


A personal development workshop to identify your personal values and aligning them with intention setting.

Duration: 60mins

Book via:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-am-i-tickets-104997590620

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are. Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are right now, as you may have found your values have shifted as we navigate “a new normal”, or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt.

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7:00 PM19:00


A personal development workshop to identify your personal values and aligning them with intention setting.

Duration: 60mins

Book via:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/who-am-i-tickets-104997590620

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are. Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are right now, as you may have found your values have shifted as we navigate “a new normal”, or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt.

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11:00 AM11:00


Hosted with Union Station Yoga.

A personal development workshop to identify your personal values and aligning them with intention setting.

Duration: 60mins

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are. Whether we’re aware of them or not, we all have personal values, characteristics and behaviours that motivate and guide our every move. With each and every goal or intention we set for ourselves they are sprung from these values we hold true. This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are right now, as you may have found your values have shifted as we navigate “a new normal”, or that some values are more present than others as priorities and routines adapt.

Free to join. https://www.unionstationyoga.co.uk/events/free-online-workshop-who-am-i-now

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11:00 AM11:00


Hosted with Union Station Yoga.

Lockdown has unearthed a number of “should haves” for us all and a huge amount of pressure to perform and be productive. It's no wonder that we can be hard on ourselves and get stuck in comparison. In this one hour journaling workshop, we'll work through tasks that allow you to acknowledge how far you’ve come and how to recognise all of your wins no matter how big or small.

what to expect?

This workshop is the second in the three part series. Whether you participate in one, two or all three you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. You’ll also discover the power of truly listening to your inner voice as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating your goals, your wins and the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

what's holding you back?

This journaling workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are. It also highlights the impact that self talk can have on your path to success. Suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for anyone who wants to set some new ones. Expect both conversational group work and journal exercises in this workshop.

what to 'bring'

Bring a notebook and pen, and wear clothes you’re comfortable sitting in.


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5:00 PM17:00

WHAT'S HOLDING YOU BACK? For Female Narratives

Hosted for the Female Narratives Community

Lockdown has unearthed a number of “should haves” for us all and a huge amount of pressure to perform and be productive. It's no wonder that we can be hard on ourselves and get stuck in comparison. In this one hour journaling workshop, we'll work through tasks that allow you to acknowledge how far you’ve come and how to recognise all of your wins no matter how big or small.

what to expect?

This workshop is the second in the three part series. Whether you participate in one, two or all three you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. You’ll also discover the power of truly listening to your inner voice as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating your goals, your wins and the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

what's holding you back?

This journaling workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals no matter how big or small they are. It also highlights the impact that self talk can have on your path to success. Suitable for anyone working with existing goals, or for anyone who wants to set some new ones.


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11:00 AM11:00


Lockdown has unearthed a number of “should haves” for us all and a huge amount of pressure to perform and be productive. It's no wonder that we can be hard on ourselves and get stuck in comparison. In this one hour journaling workshop, we'll work through tasks that allow you to acknowledge how far you’ve come and how to recognize all of your wins no matter how big or small.

what to expect?

This workshop is the first in the three part series. Whether you participate in one, two or all three you'll learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. You’ll also discover the power of truly listening to your inner voice as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating your goals, your wins and the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

what does success look like now?

Whether it’s a set of new year’s resolutions made, a plan set at a milestone such as a birthday or life event, or simply some end-of-week pondering or making start-of-week to-do lists, we’ve all set some goals and intentions for ourselves at some point. These will look very different in these current times, and this workshop is designed to look at what success looks like then, now and in the future and how to adapt to your evolution of success and be kind on yourself as your goals, priorities and experiences change. Expect both conversational group work and journal exercises in this workshop.

what to 'bring'

Bring a notebook and pen, and wear clothes you’re comfortable sitting in.

HELD IN PARTNERSHIP WITH UNION STATION YOGA, this is free to join, via the below link:


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11:00 AM11:00


All participation fees will be donated to the Lewisham Food Bank post event.


What we dream of doesn’t always come easy, it’s often a bumpy road to achieving goals. This personal development workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Duration: 75mins

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover what might be holding you back when thinking about goals.

After a quick grounding exercise you will be guided through a series of tasks that are centred around asking and answering simple yet powerful questions, working mostly solo but sometimes as a group. It is focused on finding your truths and unlocking any doubts or blockages that come up when it comes to reaching any goal you may have in mind. The second part of the workshop will be more individually focused, using the learnings to translate them into developing action points to tap into whenever you might feel stuck.

Expect to learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you give yourself credit for at the same time. In the time spent together in this workshop you’ll also discover the power of truly listening as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

This workshop will suit anyone working with existing goals and intentions as well as someone who just wants to discover a little more about themselves and what makes them tick. The aim is to leave the space having learned how to recognise when blockages come up and how to convert them into positive actions.

You will be led by Lorna, a qualified executive coach. Lorna’s own set of values centre around her desire to help those around her realise their path and work out how to get there, professionally, personally and any other way possible.

Have a notebook and pen ready, download zoom (it’s free!) and wear clothes you’re comfortable sitting in.

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6:00 PM18:00

Closing Thoughts For The Week

I've created a 30min check in for anyone who could benefit from a half hour of just talking through how they feel about the week and how they are navigating a change of pace with their professional and social connections.

I'll start with a simple question for the group - "What are you most proud of this week" and invite everyone to simply contribute as they see fit and see where it leads us. There's no real agenda other than to hold space for any and all experiences that people want to share.

My passion at the moment is keeping personal goals alive, so if you want to come prepared with any kind of goal setting experiences or concerns whilst we're in this "lockdown" of sorts this would be a great starting point for us all, but as I say, anything goes too.

I'm keeping the group small so we all have a chance to be heard, however I'd also like to invite everyone who signs up to also "bring a friend". Please don't have your friend sign up, as that will take up a space on the sign up limit, just forward them the information as you receive it.

This event will be held via Zoom, which is free to download, and you can sign up for a free "basic" account to access this. All you need to bring is yourself, and maybe have a notebook to hand in case anything comes up that you'd like to remember. All registered participants will be emailed a link to join on Friday circa 4pm GMT. You will need to email this link to the friend you plan to have join us.


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11:30 AM11:30



A portion of the fee will be donated to the Lewisham Food Bank post event. The amount will be confirmed on the call, as the more who participate mean the more I can donate.


What we dream of doesn’t always come easy, it’s often a bumpy road to achieving goals. This personal development workshop has been designed to discover potential obstacles that might be holding you back from achieving your goals.

Duration: 75-90mins

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover what might be holding you back when thinking about goals.

After a quick grounding exercise you will be guided through a series of tasks that are centred around asking and answering simple yet powerful questions, working mostly solo but sometimes as a group. It is focused on finding your truths and unlocking any doubts or blockages that come up when it comes to reaching any goal you may have in mind. The second part of the workshop will be more individually focused, using the learnings to translate them into developing action points to tap into whenever you might feel stuck.

Expect to learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you give yourself credit for at the same time. In the time spent together in this workshop you’ll also discover the power of truly listening as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating the challenging aspects of reaching your achievements.

This workshop will suit anyone working with existing goals and intentions as well as someone who just wants to discover a little more about themselves and what makes them tick. The aim is to leave the space having learned how to recognise when blockages come up and how to convert them into positive actions.

You will be led by Lorna, a qualified executive coach. Lorna’s own set of values centre around her desire to help those around her realise their path and work out how to get there, professionally, personally and any other way possible.

Have a notebook and pen ready, download zoom (it’s free!) and wear clothes you’re comfortable sitting in.

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5:30 PM17:30

Closing Thoughts For The Week

I've created a 30min check in for anyone who could benefit from a half hour of just talking through how they feel about the week and how they are navigating a change of pace with their professional and social connections.

I'll start with a simple question for the group - "What are you most proud of this week" and invite everyone to simply contribute as they see fit and see where it leads us. There's no real agenda other than to hold space for any and all experiences that people want to share.

My passion at the moment is keeping personal goals alive, so if you want to come prepared with any kind of goal setting experiences or concerns whilst we're in this "lockdown" of sorts this would be a great starting point for us all, but as I say, anything goes too.

I'm keeping the group small so we all have a chance to be heard, however I'd also like to invite everyone who signs up to also "bring a friend". Please don't have your friend sign up, as that will take up a space on the sign up limit, just forward them the information as you receive it.

This event will be held via Zoom, which is free to download, and you can sign up for a free "basic" account to access this. All you need to bring is yourself, and maybe have a notebook to hand in case anything comes up that you'd like to remember. All registered participants will be emailed a link to join on Friday circa 4pm GMT. You will need to email this link to the friend you plan to have join us.


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4:00 PM16:00

Navigating Career Change

We’re now in a moment in time where there are many people facing the fact that they are now left out of a job, or on temporary leave. Even if you’re employed this time from home, on your own, might be raising questions as to whether this is the career path you want to be on. Wherever you are, If this is you, if you feel uncertain about your career trajectory, I want to connect, as I’m with you.

I left a 20 year career in entertainment on February 25th this year. I left after 12 years in a leadership position heading up a publicity department for a studio, travelling the world, leading a team, making decisions, living a well supported, dependable working life. I left only because it was time for a change personally.

Although all of this was my choice it didn’t make the adapting period any easier to walk through. It wasn’t easy to navigate this - no one prepares you for day one after you leave and the phone is silent and there’s zero in the inbox. The irrelevance you feel is overwhelming. I can only speak from my own experience where I was crippled with doubt, feeling like I’d made the biggest mistake and there was no turning back.

So I had to find ways to cope. And that’s what I want to focus on in this 30-45minute event.

In this time together I want to share:

- My experiences of navigating immediate professional loneliness

- The ways I stayed connected to the people in my work circle and how that’s developed into new opportunities for me

- The importance of creating and sticking to personal routine and rituals

- How I’m working on my future career path

As well as a 20 year career in communications I also recently trained as a career coach. This training helped give me tools to help make and then work through the decision to make the pivot in my professional path. It’s also helped me develop tasks that help me whenever I’m stuck with a decision to make or a route to take.

This event will take place via zoom and there’ll be time for questions throughout.

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5:30 PM17:30

Closing Thoughts On The Week & The Importance of Connection (online event)

I can only speak for myself when I say I'm missing human connection and human contact, so I've created a 30min check in for anyone who could benefit from a half hour of just talking through how they feel about the week and how they are navigating a change of pace with their professional and social connections.

I'll start with a question for the group and invite everyone to simply contribute as they see fit and see where it leads us. There's no real agenda other than to hold space for any and all experiences that people want to share.

My passion at the moment is keeping personal goals alive, so if you want to come prepared with any kind of goal setting experiences or concerns whilst we're in this "lockdown" of sorts this would be a great starting point for us all, but as I say, anything goes too.

I'm keeping the group small so we all have a chance to be heard, however I'd also like to invite everyone who signs up to also "bring a friend". Please don't have your friend sign up, as that will take up a space on the sign up limit, just forward them the information as you receive it.

This event will be held via Zoom, which is free to download, and you can sign up for a free "basic" account to access this. All you need to bring is yourself, and maybe have a notebook to hand in case anything comes up that you'd like to remember. All registered participants will be emailed a link to join on Friday circa 4pm GMT. You will need to email this link to the friend you plan to have join us.


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11:30 AM11:30


A personal development workshop to identify your personal values and aligning them with intention setting.

Duration: 90mins

This workshop is designed to encourage reflection and to discover who you are. The first series of tasks are centred around asking and answering simple yet powerful questions, working as a group and in pairs. It is focused on finding your true self. The second part will be more individually focused that use the learnings and translate them into developing personal values and intentions as you head into the start of a new year.

 Expect to learn something about yourself and realise that you know yourself better than you may think at the same time. In the time spent together in this workshop you’ll also discover the power of truly listening as well as understanding the importance of sharing experiences and articulating goals.

 You will be led by Lorna, a qualified executive coach. Lorna’s own set of values centre around her desire to help those around her realise their path and work out how to get there, professionally, personally and any other way possible.

 Bring a notebook and pen, and wear clothes you’re comfortable sitting in.  

Price: £15 including unlimited tea/coffee. Email Lorna@lornamann.com or book via Eventbrite


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